The Voodo Project

What is Voodo?

Voodo refers to Venous Outflow Obstruction Disorder affecting the brain.

What is Voodo?

Voodo refers to Venous Outflow Obstruction Disorder affecting the brain.

What causes a Voodo?

Any impedance to venous outflow can cause a voodo. The most common site of obstruction appears to be at sclerosed jugular vein valves. Other causes include arachnoid granulations, bony structures such as the C1 transverse process and the compression of the left brachiocephalic vein by the innominate artery.

What are the symptoms of Voodo?

The common symptoms are headache, vertigo, tinnitus, deafness, imbalance, brain fog and tremor. Current observations suggest that there are likely physical, chemical and biological consequences of voodo. A common physical manifestation is tinnitus. Brain fog and headache may have chemical underpinnings. Neurodegeneration may be a dreaded biological sequela of voodo. 

What is The Voodo Project?

The Voodo Project aims to cure Venous Outflow Obstruction Disorders by accelerating research and education in this space.